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The tails of animals serve many purposes, depending upon the species.

For marine life, the tail provides a source of movement through the water. In the case of some tree-dwelling and/or tree-climbing primates, the tail is prehensile, which allows them to grasp and achieve better balance. In some birds, the tail assists the bird during flight by helping them steer, or may simply be ornamental and used to attract the opposite sex of the species.

The function of tails may also be as simple as being used to swat flies from the animal's body (like in horses and cattle) or to indicate mood (like in domestic dogs). The tail is also instrumental in helping cats to land on their feet, and as a source of strong balance for kangaroos.

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that it can do all cans of things

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Q: What is function of tail in whales?
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Do whales have long tails?

Sort of. The Sperm whales tail is about 6-7 metres long.

How long is a gray whales tail?

Ten feet

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The Tail Slap or Tail Lob is what you are describing. The meaning of this behavior is not really known, it has been suspected to mean it is a way to ward off other whales, or to invite other whales to join a group.

What is the end of a whales tale called?

First the tail stock then the flukes are the part at the end of the tail.

What is the function of birds tail?

the function of a tail is to lift its body and to increase the speed of flight

How does a killer whales tail help them?

it helps them attack predators.

How much does a blue whales tail weight?

About half a ton.

Does sperm whales have limbs?

They have the tail and their flippers. Some whales have vestigial(undeveloped) leg bones embedded in their tails.

What does whaled mean?

a whale fluke is the unique design on a whales tail so its probably observing the whales fluke

What does whale fluking mean?

a whale fluke is the unique design on a whales tail so its probably observing the whales fluke

How does blue whales move?

All whales are propelled through the water by the up and down movement of their tails.