

What is galena hardness?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What is galena hardness?
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What is the hardness of galena?

the hardness of galena on the Mohs scale is 2.5

Hardness of galena scale 1-10?

Galena is listed at 2.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.

Which mineral is harder galena or magnetite?

magnetite is harder than galena. Magnetite has a hardness just under glass, so around 5. Galena sits at around 4 on mohs hardness scale

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How hard is galena?

Galena has a hardness of 2.5 on the Mohs scale. It has a specific gravity of about 7.4. to 7.6. Galena is main mineral in which lead is found.

Why is galena rated a 2.5 hardness in the mohs scale?

The Moh's Scale measures hardness, from soft at 1 to hardest at 10. So galena scores low because it is very soft.

Which mineral sample would experience the most abrasion?

Galena - cause of the hardness of only 2.5

Which mineral can be easily scratched by a fingernail has cleavage a metallic luster and has a black streak?

azurite is one of the minerals that has a light blue streak.

How can you tell galena from quartz?

Pyrite is a LOT harder--it is 6 on Mohs Hardness Scale and Galena is only 2.5.Pyrite is usually gold or brassy in color. Galena is lead gray.

Is the mineral galena able to scratch other rocks?

The scratch resistance of rock forming minerals is measured using Mohs hardness scale. This is a relative hardness scale ranging from 1 - 10 (with 1 being the softest e.g. Talc and 10 being the hardest - Diamond).AGalena has a Mohs scale hardness of 2.5 - 2.75.B This is low by the standards of common rock forming minerals. As such it is unlikely that Galena will be capable of scratching the majority of other rocks or rock forming minerals.Source of data - see external links:A Mohs hardness scale - WikipediaB Galena - Wikipedia

Is the mineral galena magnetic?

Gallium is malleable. It has a hardness of only 1.5 on Mohs scale.

What property cause galena to break into tiny pieces A density B internal arrangement of atoms C hardness D luster?

The internal arrangement of atoms.