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Galilee in Church means the place of divine appointment. Although God is Omnipresent, His revealed presence is only encountered in the place of appointment. To be in Galilee in the context of the modern church is to keep appointment with Christ in a place of meeting. It could be in a closet, a church, on a mountain top, in a camp etc. Answer submitted by Idowu Ogedengbe

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1mo ago

In Christianity, Galilee refers to a region in northern Israel where Jesus spent much of his ministry, performing miracles and preaching the gospel. It holds significant importance in the Christian faith as the place where Jesus called his disciples and performed many of his miraculous acts.

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64.1 square miles

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modern-day Israel.

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The capital of Galilee is juea.

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Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.

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Is Galilee is Iraq today?

Galilee is in Israel.

Is Jerusalem in Galilee?

Jerusalem is a city. The Galilee is an area in Northern Israel primarily formed by two mountain ranges and bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the West and the Sea of Galilee to the east. The Galilee is over 100Km (or more depending where in the Galilee) north of Jerusalem Galilee and Jerusalem are both in Israel.

Why were Roman soldiers stationed in Galilee in the first half of the first century?

Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.Because Galilee was part of Roman territory at that time.

Is galilee in Jordan or Israel?

The Sea of Galilee is in Israel.