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Q: What is gangrene and why is it most serious than inflammation of the gallbladder?
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What causes gallbladder inflammation?

Stone in common bile duct is the most common cause of gall bladder inflammation. Ca head of pancreas is relatively uncommon cause.

Can gallstones go away with a gallbladder attack?

Rupture of the gallbladder is a medical condition in which the gallbladder begins to leak or bursts. Ruptures are most commonly caused by an inflammation of the gallbladder. The most common causes are gall stones, which get stuck inside the gallbladder. Untreated, a ruptured gallbladder can result in an infection in the bloodstream (septicemia). Such an infection can be fatal.

Who are the most common victims of gangrene?

The most common victims of gangrene are people who are diabetic.

Where can gangrene be found?

Gangrene can be found any place in the body where tissue is without adequate blood supply and has become necrotic (dead). It is usually found on external parts of the body, most commonly found on the toes, fingers, feet and hands, but there can also be gangrene in internal organs, such as the bowel or appendix and gallbladder.

Amputations are most often associated with what Rabies Typhoid Botulism Gangrene or Halitosis?

Amputations are most often associated with gangrene infections.

Why would the ferritin level be raised in healthy male?

One of the most common causes of hyperferritinemia is serious inflammation.

Why might a person with inflammation of the gallbladder develop inflammation of the pancreas?

gallbladder stones, obstruct the flow of the pancreatic enzymes. since cholecystokinins helps activate the bile from the gallbladder, once it is obstructed, the cholecystokinins, activates the pancreatic enzymes as well causing enzymes to become activated inside the pancreatic tissues then auto-digestion takes place(pancreatic enzymes ingests itself), in a normal functioning pancreas, enzyme has to remain inactive until it reaches the small intestine, where an actual digestion takes place.

What does it mean when you have a fluttering feeling around the gallbladder area?

A fluttering feeling around the gallbladder area could be due to muscle spasms, gas, indigestion, or gallbladder issues such as gallstones or inflammation. If you are experiencing persistent fluttering or pain, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

What illnesses do gallstones cause?

Gallstones, which is a disorder of the gallbladder, are caused by a few different reasons. Some of the causes of gallstones include being overweight, pregnancy, or hormone therapy. Losing weight quickly may also lead to the formation of gallstones.

What does the gallbladder interact with?

Most of your body!

Life expectancy of people with gangrene?

How long it takes to die from gangrene depends on the specific circumstances of the infection, how big you are, and how far away from your vital organs the gangrene is. Typically gangrene spreads very rapidly once it starts, and an infected person may die in anywhere from one to three days once the gangrene is established.

How many people have symptoms of gallbladder problems?

Thousands of people have symptoms of gall bladder problems. Most of these people do not have a serious complication, however it is possible that certain symptoms could be a sign of cancer.