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Not assigning grades to specific scores.

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Q: What is gap grading noticed on a grading curve?
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he was grading on a curve

What does grading on a curve mean?

Grading on a curve means that grading is done according to the scores students get on a given assignment or test, versus grading on a fixed scale of 90-100 being and A, 80-90 being a B, etc. (or whatever scale is being used). Grading on a curve is sometimes used by teachers when a whole class does poorly on a test. Here is an example: In a class of 5 students, the scores were 76, 76, 70, 65, and 53. In this case, the grades would be C, C, C, D, F. The teacher could grade on a curve and give the 76s an A, 70 a B, 65 a C, and 53 a D.

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He was grading on a curve.

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I think its he was grading on a curve

How market power is measured?

depends on the size of the gap which is created by the AR/D curve and the MR curve.

What is a 10 point grading scale?

With a 10 point grading scale the results (of a test etc.) are given a value between 0 and 9 or 1 and 10. If the grading is "on a curve" than the distribution of the various grades is spread on a Gaussian normal distribution.

What is the grade if you got 10 wrong out of 25?

If kept to a normal grading scale (not a curve), the grade would be a D- or F.

What grade is 6 wrong out of 30?

6 wrong out of 30 leaves 24 correct out of 30. Divide 24 by 30 to get 80%. 80% is usually a B or a B-, unless grading is on a curve. If it is on a curve, then it is impossible for me to say without knowing what the curve is.

What is a 22 out of 35 in grading?

Depends on how your teacher grades. Generally, that is not a very good grade. But it depends on the "curve" as to where the cutoff is for each letter grade.

What is your score if you get a 40 out of 50 on a test?

It's an 80% score. That's a D- unless a grading curve is used.

Why would an expansionary gap lead to a change in inflation Why would a recessionary gap lead to a change in inflation?

Assuming that the aggregate demand curve does not move, the only way for the gap to be closed is by a shift in aggregate supply. These gaps cause a change in inflation expectations, moving the AS curve left (exp) or right (rec) back to long term equilibrium and changing the inflation rate.

What grade would you get if you answer 5 out of 14 questions?

36%, assuming that your five answers were all correct. Unless the instructor is grading on a curve, it would probably be an F or fail.