

What is gdunge?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Does the planet Mars have an axis?

Yes it does. Any body that is spinning has an axis. It turns out that *every* body in the Solar System is spinning. The axis is the line through the center of the body that connects the north pole to the south pole. HTH, Gdunge

What is Filtering in computer networking?

Filtering is the act of deciding which data packets are allowed to be sent and which packets should not be sent.Packets that are not sent are said to be filtered.Filtering decisions can be made by any device that routes, generates, or receives packets, but generally packets are filtered by firewalls.HTH,Gdunge

What commands would you use to see real-time errors or events on a router?

That depends on the brand and OS version of the router.For most versions of Cisco routers, the command to enable logging to the terminal isterminal monitorThis just allows log messages to be sent to the terminal. To actually start logging errors, use the commandlogging monitor errorTo end error logging, typeno logging monitorand to disable logging to the terminal, typeterminal no monitorHTH,Gdunge

Does the internal format of mailboxes has to be standardized so any POP3 program on the client side can read the mailbox on any mail server?

No. The POP3 protocol is a network protocol. It is only concerned with the messages sent back and forth between the mail server and the mail client. The internal format of the mailbox files on the server is only of concern to the POP3 server software. It needs to be able to read the mailbox files so it can send the proper messages to the POP3 client in order to transfer the email. HTH, Gdunge

What is the relationship between a neutral network and a local area network?

The only relationship I can come up with is that they are both networks - a series of nodes connected with links. A neural network, like the one in your brain, has brain cells as the nodes, and synapses as the links. An artificial neural network, which is a tiny crude simulation of how your brain works that runs on a computer, emulates that structure in software. A local area network has computers and routers as the nodes, and various kinds of data transmission lines (such as Ethernet cables) as links. Yet another kind of network is a fishing net - it has knots as nodes, and strings as links. Perhaps a better answer would be: The relationship between a neural network and local area network is the same thing as the relationship between a local area network and a fishing net. HTH, Gdunge

What is an amplifier and what type of transmission signals does it affect?

An amplifier is a device that increases the strength of a signal. There are many, many different kinds of amplifiers, making many kinds of signals stronger. A stereo amplifier takes the tiny signal coming off of a music device, such as a radio tuner or an iPod, and amplifies it until it is powerful enough to cause the stereo speakers to make noise. A megaphone is just a cone with a hole in the tip that you can hold in front of your mouth, but it amplifies the sound waves coming from your vocal cords. Cable TV companies put amplifiers into their cable networks that amplify the TV signal, so that it doesn't fade away into static before it reaches your TV. In computer networking, we usually call them "repeaters". A repeater takes a packet that's travelled about as far as it can before it turns into static, amplifies it so it can be properly read, then makes a new copy and sends it down the next section of wire. HTH, Gdunge

What is default routing?

A router is a device that decides where to send a data packet in order to get it one step closer to its destination, and then sends it there.In order to make this decision, the router looks at the destination address on the packet and then consults a list of rules programmed into the router by the person who set it up.If there is no explicit rule covering this packet - if the router hasn't been programmed with a rule on how to route packets to this particular destination - then the router send the packet to the default route.In other words, the default route is the destination that a packet is sent to if the router doesn't have instructions to send it somewhere else.As an example, consider a simple home router that connects your home network to the Internet. This router will have two routing rules - one for computers on your internal network, and a default route. The default route will send packets upstream to your ISP. So any packet that's not going to another computer at your house will always be sent out to the Internet.HTH,Gdunge

What is UPT stand for?

Nothing comes to mind. Perhaps you mistyped it? "UTP" stands for "Unshielded Twisted Pair", which is the kind of cable used for Ethernet cables and telephone wiring. "UDP" stands for "User Datagram Protocol", which is a part of TCP/IP. UDP packets are useful for short, quick transmissions where it's not a big deal if the transmission is lost or garbled. Examples are voice over IP (VoIP) and Domain Name Service queries (DNS). (The other choice for sending data in TCP/IP is called "Transmission Control Protocol", or TCP. It's much more complicated than UDP. TCP tries to ensure that all the data is delivered in the correct order, and retransmits lost data. TCP is slower than UDP.) "UPnP" is "Universal Plug 'n Play", which is a Microsoft invention that allows your computer to automatically configure network services such as printing and router forwarding. That's all I've got at the moment. HTH, Gdunge

What is Dynamic IP?

A static IP address is one that doesn't change. Usually it's programmed directly into the computer or network device. Servers and routers almost always have static addresses. A dynamic IP address is one that can change. Usually, a computer or network printer will ask for a dynamic IP address from the network when it starts up. If there is a DHCP server on the network, then it will provide the device that's starting up with a dynamic IP address. The next time the device starts up, it might get a different IP address from the DHCP server. By the way, "DHCP" stands for "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol". HTH, Gdunge

What is the measure of the angle formed by the hands of a clock where the hour hand is at five and the minute hand is at 12?

Let's work it out. A clock face is a circle. A circle has 360 degrees. It also has 12 hour marks. How many degrees per hour mark? To answer this kind of question you always do the same thing. Take "degrees per hour mark" and turn the "per" into "divided by". Then put in the numbers you have. This is how you calculate "miles per gallon" (divide the miles driven by the gallons used) or "percent" ("cent" means "100", so divide your number by 100). In our case, we divide 360 by 12. We get 30 degrees for each hour mark. You can check this formula by looking at a clock face and seeing if there are any familiar angles. You'll notice right away that the angle between 12 and 3 is a right angle. 30 * 3 = 90 degrees, which is a right angle. Good. Moving on. If the minute hand is on 12, and the hour hand is on 5, there are 5 hour marks between the hands. Now multiply 30 degrees by 5 to get the answer to your question, which is 150 degrees. It's always a good idea to check your answer to see if it makes sense. In this case, you can compare the answer to what you'd get for 3 o'clock (30 * 3 = 90) and 6 o'clock (30 * 6 = 180). Our answer is between these numbers, as it should be. And it's closer to 180 than to 90, as it should be. Hope this helps, Gdunge

What are some computer network tools?

Generally, computer networking tools are software programs that network engineers can use to make their jobs easier. Some tasks performed by network tools: - network discovery (finding all the computers and routers on the network) - path tracing (finding the network path to a given computer) - connectivity testing (finding out if a particular network link is working or not) - traffic monitoring (watching the traffic on the network, looking for something specific) - network device management (configuring routers and firewalls) There are also "computer networking tools" that are actual physical tools, not software. Here are some of those: - punchdown tool (terminates network wires to a punchdown block in a wiring closet) - toner/tracer (toner tool injects a tone onto a wire, tracer tool amplifies the tone signal so you can trace the wire through a wire bundle) - cable tester (checks a wire for faults) - TDR, or time domain reflectometer (measures the length of a cable by measuring the time it takes for a signal to bounce off the end and come back) HTH, Gdunge

What is the networking software?

1.Alyuda NeuroIntelligence NeuroIntelligence is neural network software designed to assist experts in solving real-world problems. Aimed at solution of real-world problems, NeuroIntelligence features only proven algorithms and techniques, is fast and easy-to-use. 2.ShareTheNetShareTheNet lets you share your low cost Internet connection across your network. Using ShareTheNet, all of the computers on your network can do their own work on the Internet as though they have their own connection. ShareTheNet allows just about any network software to use the Internet. No more funbling with SOCKS settings for each package on every machine. And ShareTheNet is ultra-secure right out of the box. You don't have to worry about hackers viewing and changing your private files. 3.Network Statistics This utility helps you see what exactly is happening with your network connection. Determine if networking software is in use that you don't know about or keep an eye on your throughput. Also simplifies releasing and renewing adapter IP addresses, viewing network providers, data throughput and protocol details in Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. To learn more on the website hope it can help you with the problom.