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Q: What is gene located on the x chromosome?
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On which chromosome is the human gene known as Factor X located?

The Factor X gene is said to be located on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, whereas males only have one. The other chromosome they have is a Y chromosome.

What is a sex linked gene?

It is a gene located on either sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome).

What is sex-linked gene?

It is a gene located on either sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome).

What gene is sex-linked?

It is a gene located on either sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome).

A human female inherits?

two copies of every gene located on the X chromosome.

What is a sex-linked genes?

It is a gene located on either sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome).

What family of gene does coagulation factor VIII gene belong to?

It is located on the X sex chromosome.

A gene that is sex-linked is BEST described as what?

It is located on the X chromosome.

The human gene associated with color vision are located on the what chromosome?


Why does Lesch-Nyhan syndrome affect males?

The HPRT gene is located on the X chromosome. Since the HPRT gene is located on the X chromosome, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is considered X-liked. This means that it only affects males.

What gene is affected by Barth syndrome?

Barth syndrome occurs when a person is born with a mutated, or abnormal, TAZ1 (or G4.5) gene. This abnormal gene is located on the X chromosome, which is a sex-determining chromosome. Males have one X and one Y chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes.

Why is hemophilia considered to be a sex link trait?

Because the gene that causes hemophilia is located on the X chromosome, so it will occur in males more frequently than in females.