

What is general astronomy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Im pretty sure that astronomy is the study of the space and the planets, stars and etc in it

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I find just about anything about astronomy interesting. To get specific details, start reading about astronomy in general, then read about specific topics. Here are some topics you may want to read about; you might start in Wikipedia, which usually has good summary articles:PlanetsStarSolar SystemGalaxyBig BangDark matterUniverseExpansion of the UniverseBlack hole

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Gerald North has written: 'Astronomy in depth' -- subject(s): Astronomy 'Mastering Astronomy' 'Astronomy explained' -- subject(s): Astronomy 'Mastering astronomy'

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H. Spencer Jones has written: 'General astronomy' -- subject(s): Astronomy 'Life on other worlds' -- subject(s): Planets, Life on other planets, Observations, Plurality of worlds

Who studies the planets and stars?

Either Astrophysics or Astrology/Astronomy.

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Horatio Allen has written: 'Astronomy in its general facts and relations' -- subject(s): Astronomical models