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Q: What is generic name for ceftriaxone?
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Is the drug ceftriaxone the same as unasyn?

No. Unasyn is the trade name for the combination of two generic drugs: ampicillin (a beta-lactam) and sulbactam (a beta-lactamase inhibitor). Ceftriaxone is a generic drug in another class of antibiotics altogether (cephalosporins).

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Fentanyl is a generic drug.

What is the chemical formula of ceftriaxone?

The chemical formula of ceftriaxone is C18H18N8O7S3.

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prediSONE is a generic name

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A drug can be listed by either its brand name or its generic name. The brand name is what the company that makes it has labeled it and the generic name is its chemical name. Some examples: Tylenol (brand name).....Acetaminophen (generic or chemical name) Motrin (brand name)......Ibuprofen (generic or chemical name) Prilosec (brand name)....Omeprazole (generic or chemical name) Benadryl (brand name)...Diphenhydramine (generic or chemical name)

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Generic Name: secobarbital

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Tricycle, or trike, IS the generic name.

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It's already a generic name.

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more likekly a generic name.

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The generic name is clonidine and the brand name is Catapres..

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Pethedine is a generic name. The drug uses the generic name meperidine in the US and Canada (marketed as Demerol and others) but pethedine is the generic name in most other countries.