

What is ginger rhizome?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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yes, ginger is a rhizome.

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Q: What is ginger rhizome?
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Is ginger root a fibrous?

no its a rhizome.

Is ginger a taproot?

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What is the difference between a celery and a ginger plant?

Ginger is a rhizome, Celery is not.

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Ginger is an example of rhizome..

What spice is a fleshy rhizome related to ginger?

Turmeric is the spice that is a fleshy rhizome related to ginger. Both belong to the same botanical family, Zingiberaceae, and have a similar appearance with a bright orange color when ground into a powder. Turmeric is commonly used for its earthy flavor and vibrant color in cooking and traditional medicine.

Does ginger come from underground roots?

Yes. However technically "root ginger" is a rhizome, not a root.

How ginger propagate?

Ginger is propogated by division in the Spring.

Is ginger stem of the plant?

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is from the root or underground stem (rhizome).

What is ginger?

Ginger is used as a spice. It is the root (rhizome) of a plant known as Zingiber officinale, ginger also comes in a processed dried powder made from the root.

Are onoins ginger and tomatoes edible stems?

Onions are bulbs, used in cooking as vegetables. Ginger is a rhizome - a horizontal stem of the ginger plant. Tomatoes are a fruit.

What part of the plant does ginger comes from?

The part of the plant that ginger comes from is the rhizome or the underground stem of the plant. One medicinal use of ginger is for the treatment of nausea.

Does a ginger plant able to photosynthesis?

Yes, ginger plants are able to photosynthesize. They have chlorophyll-containing leaves that enable them to convert sunlight into energy through the process of photosynthesis.