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Q: What is giving into someone's demands to pervent war?
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What is the policy of giving in to Hitler's demands before World War 2 called?

"Appeasement" .

What Policy of avoiding war with an aggressive nation by giving into its demands?

The policy is referred to as 'Appeasement'.

Why were the other European countries reluctant to take steps against Hitler?

Because they were trying to avoid war by giving in to Hitlers demands in the hopes that it would prevent a war but Hitler kept breaking the treaties so war was iminant.

What is the policy that believes war can be averted by meeting the demands of another nation?

The term of appeasement is the one whereby war is averted by giving in to another nation's demands, whether they be territorial demands or perhaps trade demands. This policy was exercised with success by France and England to avoid a war with Nazi Germany. Ultimately this policy failed as Germany did begin a war by invading Poland with the cooperation of the Soviet Union and the Soviet-German Nonaggression Pact. The invasion resulted in World War Two.As an aside, both France and England had the military power to stop Hitler's demands in 1933 and beyond. They failed however, to take advantage of them when they had the opportunity. This failure cost tens of millions of lives world wide.

What happened during the first peace talks of the civil war civil war?

Nothing of any importance came. The meeting lasted for about four hours with neither side giving any ground to the others "demands" or requests.

What is the strategy of giving in to some of Hitler's demands?

The strategy of giving in to some of Hitler's demands, known as appeasement, was based on the belief that by satisfying his territorial claims and grievances, it would prevent further aggression and maintain peace. This approach aimed to avoid war, especially after the devastating World War I, and buy time for rearmament and preparation for future conflicts. However, appeasement ultimately failed to deter Hitler's ambitions and only emboldened him to pursue further territorial expansion.

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in demands of war and civil rights

Did supporters of appeasement believe that Hitler had a few limited demands and that they could avoid war if they satisfied these demands?


Why was it a bad idea to give Germany what he wanted?

Because this follows the policy of appeasement, meaning giving in to others demands, and allowing Hitler to get what he wanted sparked World War II after he launched his invasion into Poland.

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Britain and frace tried to avoid war by excepting Germany's demands through what type of policy?

Britain and France tried to avoid war by accepting the demands of Germany through appeasement.

How did chamberlain attempt to World War 2 breaking out?

Chamberlain adopted a policy of appeasement in regards to Germany in the 1930s. He hoped that giving to Hitler's demands a war that England was unprepared for would be prevented. Eventually, he would have to draw the line at an invasion of Poland, which occurred in 1939 and began the dreaded second world war.