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Q: What is going on inside atoms of a metal when a metallic salt of that metal is dissolved in water and then placed in a hot flame?
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What type of chemic bond is characterized by overlapping atoms?

A metallic bond is characterized by overlapping atoms.

Do metallic bonds bond identical atoms together?

Metallic bonds bond identical atoms together if they are both metal atoms, but not if they are other identical atoms. For example, the bonds holding two chlorine atoms together to make Cl2 are not metallic bonds.

What kind of bond is formed between metal and metal?

The very heart of bonding is the attraction of positive and negative charges. There are three standard types of bonding among metallic and nonmetallicÊatoms. Non metallic atoms that can bond to other non metallic atoms is called covalent bonding. Non metallic atoms that can bond to metallic atoms is called ionic bonding. And lastly, metallic atoms that can bond to other metallic atoms is called metallic bonding.

Two bromine atoms form a metallic bond?

If two bromine atoms form a bond with each other, the bond is covalent, not metallic.

What produces a metallic bond?

Only metal atoms have the ability to form metallic bonds.

What structural make up metallic solids?

Metallic solids are composed of individual atoms.

What kind of bond would atoms of the same metal make?

A metallic bond

Is several chlorine atoms atoms likely to form a metallic bond yes or no?


What type of bond is formed when gold bonds with itself?

Metallic bond, metallic positive grains surrounded by the electron cloud

Does metallic bonding occur between atoms of copper or chlorine?

Metallic bonding occurs between copper atoms. Only copper is a metal and has the characteristics needed for metallic bonding. Metallic bonding occurs between atoms with low electronegativities (low tendency to attract electrons from other atoms) and low ionisation energies (little energy required to remove electrons from the atoms). The low tendency for the metallic atoms to keep their electrons allow their electrons to be shared between the atoms, which thus become cations. The cations tend to be very closely-packed; they are not repulsed by their similar positive charges, but attracted to the electrons flowing freely between the cations. Metallic bonding therefore occurs between copper atoms, which have low electronegativity and ionisation energy. Chlorine atoms have some of the highest electronegativity and ionisation energy of all elements, and thus do not exhibit metallic bonding.

The metal atoms in stainless steel are held together by?

The type of bonds in metals are called metallic bonds.

How do metal atoms form from metallic bonds in crystals?
