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bell pepper

califlower leaves (only the leaves)

dandelion greens (cooked)







"human food"

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Q: What is good and bad to feed to your guinea pigs?
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Related questions

Can you feed your guinea pig dates?

No, dates are bad for the guinea pigs digestive system.

Can guinea pigs chips?

No you should not feed guinea pigs chips it would be very bad for them. try cucumber they love it :)

Are seeds from fruits and vegetables bad for guinea pigs?

Some seeds are poisonous to guinea pigs (i.e. apple seeds), and they hold absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. Moreover, guinea pigs easily choke on seeds. It is strongly advised not to feed them any kinds (except strawberries, but still feed in moderation).

I have been feeding my guineapig pellets that are also for rabbits. Is this good or bad?

Pellets are perfect for guinea pigs! They actually help the guinea pigs teeth become nice and strong. Make sure you never, ever feed guinea pigs the following foods: - Meat (they are 100% vegetarian). - Dark green leaved vegetables. - Potatoes. - And dairy products.

Are guinea pigs bad luck?

NO guinea pigs are NOT bad luck. Guinea pigs are actually very lucky animals, a lot of people have tried them. Try it your self, buy one today!

Can guinea pigs eat timothy hay pellets instead of the grass hay?

As it is edible for them and helps wear down their teeth. People feed timothy hay to guinea pigs that aren't pregnant or young as if you give a normal guinea pig alfalfa hay (which is for pregnant guinea pigs and young guinea pigs), it will be too high in calcium (I think) which is bad for them.

What happens if the guinea pig drinks cows milk?

coffee is not guinea pigs favorite drink, as long as it didnt have sugar in it thehy should be ok, mabye a little hyper, i guess, i feed my guinea pigs 100% juice high in vitamin C, they LOVE it Juice with vitamin C yes. But coffee!? You definitely shouldn't feed guinea pigs that.

Are guinea pigs bad pets?

Not at all.

What foods can you feed a guinea pig and what foods may you not feed your guinea pigs?

Good foods: tomatoes celery apples banana carrots spinach marigolds hibiscus cauliflower leaves (never the actual veggie, only leaves) Guinea pig pellet mix Bad: dairy foods meat broccoli cauliflower beans chocolate sugar "human foods"

What are guinea pigs good and bad habits?

Bad habits are that they chew on everything and they are very vocal. Good habits are they have very wonderful personalities and they are very vocal.

Why is a dirty cage bad for a guinea pig?

guinea pigs are just allot of time and money for what they are. they are not considered bad but I recommend a dog, cat pig or turtle! also a great pet is a pet rock (be sure to try it!) guinea pigs are not that bad but remember rock you don't have to pay for or feed so try it!!!!

Do foxes eat guinea-pigs?

Foxes are omnivorous which means they will eat almost anything. But they do tend to like meat. Small animals and insects are their usual prey so yes, guinea-pigs might be something they would eat.