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4y ago

Creamy Petroleum Jelly $1 at DollarTree. Apply to areas burned by chaffing.

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Q: What is good for galded skin between legs?
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Related questions

Why do bats have featherless skin between front and back legs?

Bats have skin between their front and back legs to help them in flight. When they fly, bats spread their legs and use the skin to glide because it creates air resistance.

How do you turn patient with skin traction?

pillow should be in between legs

Why is the skin between your legs brown?

Because God made it that way

Is shaving your legs at a young age like 13 good for you?

no at this period your skin will start to mature so shaving your legs may cause severe skin problems.

How do you get rid of drive skin on the legs?

How to get rid of drive skin on the legs

Why do your balls chafe?

Skin chafing is a result of friction from skin to skin contact. Naturally someone's testicles are going to rub up against their legs or in the crevice between their legs and groin and this will irritate them. It is normal and should not be something to really worry about.

What tiny animal climbs on trees and has flaps of skin between their front and back legs?

Sugar Gliders are small marsupial animals that are usually found in Australia and surrounding islands. They have flaps of skin between their front and back legs, allowing them to briefly glide between one tree and another in their search of food, mates, and shelter.

What animals have flaps of featherless skin between ftheir ront and back legs?

A Flying squirrel

Is 11 a good age to start shaving your legs?

why do you all want to spoil your skin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be 11 in next march and i am happy with my skin .shaving your legs at such a young age is bad irrespective of gender .

Why do bats have featherless skin between their front and back legs?

they need to have it because it is their pouch.

What part of skin give warmth during cold wheather?

under your armpits under your knees and between your legs

Where can you find testicles?

First, only males have testicles, but they are suspended , in a sac of skin (Scrotum), between the legs (more specifically between the penis and the anus).