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Q: What is good thesis statement for sports facilities should be provided equally to girls and boys?
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Can a faculty group at a college meet for prayer using school facilities?

Yes, provided that faculty members are allowed to use school facilities for other "club" purposes. Also, no students should be involved nor must the club be "mandatory" in any sense.

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If you have a male and a female rabbit and they are both running, can you tell them apart? It means that gender should not be considered an issue if two beings perform equally well.

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A personal statement should be submitted as part of a job or college application either online or through email following the specific submission guidelines provided. It should be formatted appropriately with a clear heading and your name, and should be thoroughly proofread before submission to avoid any errors.

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yes all people should be treated equally

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whenever a facility is provided we should maintain it very well we should keep it clean and hygienic we should not spit in open places the govt provides us good roads so we should maintain it there are public toilets so we should not make it unhygienic

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Yes Because If They Fight Back, Then They should Be Blamed Too. So Yes The Bully And The Bystander Should Be Punished Equally.

When should people be treated equally?

People should be treated equally in all aspects of life, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic. Equality should be upheld in areas such as education, employment, healthcare, and basic human rights. Treating people equally ensures a fair and just society where everyone has the same opportunities and rights.