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I've had greencough. Greencough is the flu but warriors call it greencough because they do not know the proper name.-Blizzard123

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1mo ago

Greencough is a respiratory illness that affects cats in the Warriors book series. It is characterized by symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Greencough can be fatal if not treated promptly with herbs and care from the medicine cat.

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Is Greencough a real sickness?

Greencough is a fictional disease from the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter, which affects cats in the story. There is no real-life equivalent of Greencough.

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I think Greencough

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He died of greencough.

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She died of greencough.

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BlueStar had greencough. Whitecough is a less severe illness compared to greencough.

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Lizardstripe is a ShadowClan queen that died of greencough.

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No, but Sandstorm does become sick with greencough in Omen of the Stars.

How did willowbreezes kits die?

Willowbreeze's kits died due to an illness known as greencough. This sickness affected them during a harsh leaf-bare, and despite efforts to save them, they ultimately succumbed to the illness.

What is Blackcough Greencough and Whitecough in warriors?

In the Warriors series, Blackcough is a severe respiratory illness, Greencough is a less severe respiratory illness, and Whitecough is a mild cold. Cats in the series can get sick with these illnesses due to living outdoors and facing various dangers and challenges.

How did Nightstar died?

He died from greencough. He was never truly excepted by StarClan so he didnt get 9 lives.

What disease is worse than green cough in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter?

The three types of coughs are, in order: Whitecough (A bit worse than the average cold), Greencough (sometimes Fatal in Elders and Kits, deadly) and Blackcough (Worse than greencough, small chance of survival.)