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"The most likely cause of your left arm hurting after you sneeze is a bulging disc in the lower part of your neck. You need to visit a chiropractor to get that fixed."

This is not correct at all.

The ulnar and radial nerves in the arm articulate very closely with your brachial plexus near the outer regions of your respiratory system. When you sneze violently this causes a shift in your diaphragm which causes a disturbance of your upper limb nerves.

Though it's uncomfortable it's idiopathic (does not represent any disease or condition) it should go away after about a minute or so. If it persists for longer, you may want to consult your physician.

Do NOT under any circumstances consult a chiropractorabout this condition as the cervical spine adjustments used for this type of complaint are not only proven to be unaffected but can actually cause severely long term damage to your neck and your carotid arteries.

Hope that helps.


Expertise: I'm a Bsc in Health Sciences and i hold a PhD in Neuroscience and anatomy from McGIll.

Hey, I am going to amend this post by saying that sneezing involves the rapid contraction (or relaxation) of respiratory muscles in the body's effort to get rid of debris. This contraction creates a positive (increased) pressure in the chest, which causes the heart to beat more forcefully for that instant. This creates an increase in blood pressure which I assume causes more strain on your arteries. The pain might come from the strain. As to whether or not this strain indicates a health problem, you should consult your doctor. But a googling reveals that it is a common problem, even amongst active individuals.

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14y ago
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12y ago

there are many on line explanation's, a lot of them point to back and neck problems, i think it got mentioned on one site and now everyone finds this explanation and mention it, but i think some back up my theories.

i don't get these pains every time i sneeze, but i have hay-fever so i sneeze a lot.

sometimes when i sneeze especially when Ive sneezed a few times and am trying to stop i tense up my upper body. when you sneeze you use up a lot of muscles and the tensed muscles try to contract against the tensing causing great musculoskeletal strain which results in sharp pain.

best thing is to try not to resist the sneeze and stay relaxed as you can.

The good thing about it is you get this great workout .No pain no gain...The best way to find a solution to the problem is look at your environment cause it is probably dirty thus the sneezing. Wash face and hands often and sniff a small amount of BI- carb soda mixed in water up your nose and this will help clear the mucus.

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11y ago

Pains when sneezing typically happen during the common cold. This is nothing unusual for someone with the common cold to experience. Many otc cold drugs are available for these pains. Natural remedies have been shown to be just as effective. Elderflower, thyme, and garlic are all great herbs for relieving cold pains. Seek immediate professional help if severe symptoms such as coughing up blood occur.

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16y ago

Since (by your question) it occurs only in your neck, and not shooting into an arm, or down your body, you are most likely jerking on a muscle, and getting pain from that.

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14y ago

sounds to me like a strained muscle(s) that was caused by a violent sneeze. If the pain eventually goes away with time you can probably safely assume this was the case.

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Q: What is happening when you sneeze and get excruciating neck arm and chest pain that aches for hours?
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Hello. This could be because you have Asthma. I get this myself and its perfectly harmless. Or you may be experiencing a slight palpitation which is also normal. I'm not sure if a palpitation is all that normal. If a fluttering is in the chest after a sneeze, my bet would be on a twitching or an intermittent spasm of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle that sits at the base of the lungs and is responsible for allowing you to take air in and out. During a sneeze, the diaphragm has a violent and intense contraction. After the sneeze, it is quite possible to experience this muscle twitching. Any muscle that contracts in such a way can still have residual aberrant contractions.

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