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Rodrigo Mendoza

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Q: What is he element is found in the same period as sulfur and argon and that is more reactive than sulfur and argon?
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Is Sodium a period 3 element that is highly reactive?

yes and so is silicon and argon

The element argon is the last element in its period What does this tell you about?

This tells us that argon has a full outer electron shell, making it stable and unreactive. Elements at the end of a period often have filled electron shells, giving them properties different from other elements in the same period.

Is argon or magnesium more reactive with oxygen?

Magnesium is more reactive with oxygen than argon. Magnesium will react readily with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide, while argon is an inert gas and does not typically react with oxygen.

What element is most like chlorine?

Bromine is the element most like chlorine because they belong to the same group in the periodic table. They have similar chemical properties and react in similar ways with other elements.

The period number for argon horizontal?

Argon is a period 3 element.

What element is a gas among boron argon sodium and sulfur?

Argon is the gas among these. Other elements are solids.

Does sulfur and argon have similar chemical properties?

Sulfur and argon do not have similar chemical properties. Sulfur is a reactive nonmetal that readily forms compounds, while argon is an inert gas that is very stable and does not easily react with other elements. Argon is a noble gas with a full outer electron shell, while sulfur is a nonmetal that can gain electrons to achieve a stable configuration.

What is the normal phrase of the element argon?

The normal phrase of the element argon is gas. Argon is a colorless, odorless, and non-reactive gas that is inert under normal conditions.

What is argon's period number?

It is a period 3 element.

Why is argon the last element in its period?

Argon is the last element in its period (period 3) because it fills the 3p sublevel, which can hold a maximum of six electrons. After argon, the next element, potassium, begins filling the 4s sublevel in the next period (period 4).

Which of the following elements is the most chemically reactive helium hydrogen argon or neon?

Hydrogen is the most chemically reactive among the elements listed. It readily reacts with other elements to form compounds, while helium, argon, and neon are inert gases and generally do not undergo chemical reactions under normal conditions.

When the element sulfur forms a negative ion it has the same electron configuration as?

When sulfur forms a negative ion, it gains two electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell, making it have the same electron configuration as argon.