

What is height and weight measurement?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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height is BY FOOT and weight is BY KGS

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Q: What is height and weight measurement?
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Weight and/or height

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Body height and weight are an example of an anthropometric measurement.

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How many feet are in 2000 pounds?

This question makes no sense, as pounds are a measurement of weight and feet are a measurement in height.

What are the 3 types of taking body measurement?

Height, weight, and body fat.

What is 5'7 inches in pounds?

Hahhaha this is a classic question. 5'7 is a measurement for height. Pounds are a measurement for weight. The question is un answerable.

What is the purpose of measurement?

The purpose of measurement is to be able to have a group of units that everyone can use as a rule of thumb when trying to describe something's height, weight or volume.

What is height measurement?

height measurement is the accurate and dependable measurement for a man, object or anything.

What is measuremennt?

measurement is a way of checking some specific things like a)your weight b)your height and things like that

What is the measurement of patient?

If you are speaking about a person, such as a patient in a hospital, the measurement would be height and weight. If you mean patience, as a virtue, well, that measurement is harder to make today. Few people seem very patient.

When can the body mass index be an inaccurate measurement of healthy weight?

When a lot of your weight isn't fat, so if you're muscly or athletic - but weight machines in places like Boots or in sports clubs often to a percentage body fat measurement, which is more accurate.

I'm 15 5'6 and i weigh 138lbs am i overweight?

No you are not overweight. That is an average weight measurement for someone of your height and age. According to the BMI calculation by the CDC, that is a healthy weight.