

What is helicopter in French?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is helicopter in French?
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Where did the word 'helicopter' originate from?

The word, helicopter, originates from the French word, helicoptere.

What do the french call helicopter?


How do you say helicopter in french?


How do you say helicopter in french language?


What do you call helicopter in french?

un hélicoptère (masc.)

Which country was founder of the helicopter?

France developed the first model of the helicopter. It was first invented by Paul Cornu, a french inventor. Some say the invention of the helicopter was inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci's flying machine.

What mean the french word allouette?

"Alouette" is the name of a bird in French, the skylark. It is also the title of a popular French-Canadian children's song about plucking the feathers off a skylark.

Are there any helicopters that can dump fuel?

yes there are helicopters which can dump fuel. the most basic helicopter allouette ( the french single engine helicopter) has a capability of jettisoning fuel at the rate of 130 lts per hr.

What is an Alouette?

Allouete is a french word for a bird, in English it´s called lark or sky-lark, besides it is the name of an helicopter produced in France.

What is a purple helicopter?

A purple helicopter is a helicopter of the color purple. Really?

Is helico and pter Italian or French words?

Neither. If you are trying to figure out the origin of Helicopter, you are using the wrong "partial words". The correct ones are helix and pteron. Helix-pteron became helicopter. "Helix" is a Greek word meaning "twisted" or "revolving" and "pteron" is a Greek word meaning "wing". Therefore helicopter means "revolving wing", referring to the rotor and top-blades of the helicopter.

Which is correct an helicopter or a helicopter?

Everybody I know says A helicopter.