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Q: What is hemilaminectomy?
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What are some words that start with hemi?

hemiablepsia hemiacetal hemiachromatopsia hemiageusia hemiageustia hemialbumin hemialbumose hemialbumosuria hemialgia hemiamaurosis hemiamb hemiamblyopia hemiamyosthenia hemianacusia hemianalgesia hemianatropous hemianesthesia hemianopia hemianopic hemianopsia hemianoptic hemianosmia hemiapraxia hemiasynergia hemiataxia hemiataxy hemiathetosis hemiatrophy hemiazygous hemibasidium hemibathybian hemibenthic hemibenthonic hemibranch hemibranchiate hemic hemicanities hemicardia hemicardiac hemicarp hemicatalepsy hemicataleptic hemicellulose hemicentrum hemicephalous hemicerebrum hemichordate hemichorea hemichromatopsia hemicircle hemicircular hemiclastic hemicollin hemicrane hemicrania hemicranic hemicrany hemicrystalline hemicycle hemicyclic hemicyclium hemicylindrical hemidactylous hemidemisemiquaver hemidiapente hemidiaphoresis hemiditone hemidomatic hemidome hemidrachm hemidysergia hemidysesthesia hemidystrophy hemiekton hemielliptic hemiepilepsy hemifacial hemiform hemigastrectomy hemigeusia hemiglossal hemiglossitis hemiglyph hemignathous hemihdry hemihedral hemihedrally hemihedric hemihedrism hemihedron hemiholohedral hemihydrate hemihydrated hemihydrosis hemihypalgesia hemihyperesthesia hemihyperidrosis hemihypertonia hemihypertrophy hemihypesthesia hemihypoesthesia hemihypotonia hemikaryon hemikaryotic hemilaminectomy hemilaryngectomy hemilethargy hemiligulate hemilingual hemimellitene hemimellitic hemimelus hemimetabole hemimetabolic hemimetabolism hemimetabolous hemimetaboly hemimetamorphic hemimetamorphosis hemimetamorphous hemimorph hemimorphic hemimorphism hemimorphite hemimorphy hemin hemina hemine heminee hemineurasthenia hemiobol hemiolia hemiolic hemionus hemiope hemiopia hemiopic hemiorthotype hemiparalysis hemiparanesthesia hemiparaplegia hemiparasite hemiparasitic hemiparasitism hemiparesis hemiparesthesia hemiparetic hemipenis hemipeptone hemiphrase hemipic hemipinnate hemiplane hemiplankton hemiplegia hemiplegic hemiplegy hemipodan hemipode hemiprism hemiprismatic hemiprotein hemipter hemipteral hemipteran hemipteroid hemipterological hemipterology hemipteron hemipterous hemipyramid hemiquinonoid hemiramph hemiramphine hemisaprophyte hemisaprophytic hemiscotosis hemisect hemisection hemispasm hemispheral hemisphere hemisphered hemispherical hemispherically hemispheroid hemispheroidal hemispherule hemistater hemistich hemistichal hemistrumectomy hemisymmetrical hemisymmetry hemisystole hemiterata hemiteratic hemiteratics hemiteria hemiterpene hemitery hemithyroidectomy hemitone hemitremor hemitrichous hemitriglyph hemitropal hemitrope hemitropic hemitropism hemitropous hemitropy hemitype hemitypic hemivagotony That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

What words start with hemi?

hemiablepsia hemiacetal hemiachromatopsia hemiageusia hemiageustia hemialbumin hemialbumose hemialbumosuria hemialgia hemiamaurosis hemiamb hemiamblyopia hemiamyosthenia hemianacusia hemianalgesia hemianatropous hemianesthesia hemianopia hemianopic hemianopsia hemianoptic hemianosmia hemiapraxia hemiasynergia hemiataxia hemiataxy hemiathetosis hemiatrophy hemiazygous hemibasidium hemibathybian hemibenthic hemibenthonic hemibranch hemibranchiate hemic hemicanities hemicardia hemicardiac hemicarp hemicatalepsy hemicataleptic hemicellulose hemicentrum hemicephalous hemicerebrum hemichordate hemichorea hemichromatopsia hemicircle hemicircular hemiclastic hemicollin hemicrane hemicrania hemicranic hemicrany hemicrystalline hemicycle hemicyclic hemicyclium hemicylindrical hemidactylous hemidemisemiquaver hemidiapente hemidiaphoresis hemiditone hemidomatic hemidome hemidrachm hemidysergia hemidysesthesia hemidystrophy hemiekton hemielliptic hemiepilepsy hemifacial hemiform hemigastrectomy hemigeusia hemiglossal hemiglossitis hemiglyph hemignathous hemihdry hemihedral hemihedrally hemihedric hemihedrism hemihedron hemiholohedral hemihydrate hemihydrated hemihydrosis hemihypalgesia hemihyperesthesia hemihyperidrosis hemihypertonia hemihypertrophy hemihypesthesia hemihypoesthesia hemihypotonia hemikaryon hemikaryotic hemilaminectomy hemilaryngectomy hemilethargy hemiligulate hemilingual hemimellitene hemimellitic hemimelus hemimetabole hemimetabolic hemimetabolism hemimetabolous hemimetaboly hemimetamorphic hemimetamorphosis hemimetamorphous hemimorph hemimorphic hemimorphism hemimorphite hemimorphy hemin hemina hemine heminee hemineurasthenia hemiobol hemiolia hemiolic hemionus hemiope hemiopia hemiopic hemiorthotype hemiparalysis hemiparanesthesia hemiparaplegia hemiparasite hemiparasitic hemiparasitism hemiparesis hemiparesthesia hemiparetic hemipenis hemipeptone hemiphrase hemipic hemipinnate hemiplane hemiplankton hemiplegia hemiplegic hemiplegy hemipodan hemipode hemiprism hemiprismatic hemiprotein hemipter hemipteral hemipteran hemipteroid hemipterological hemipterology hemipteron hemipterous hemipyramid hemiquinonoid hemiramph hemiramphine hemisaprophyte hemisaprophytic hemiscotosis hemisect hemisection hemispasm hemispheral hemisphere hemisphered hemispherical hemispherically hemispheroid hemispheroidal hemispherule hemistater hemistich hemistichal hemistrumectomy hemisymmetrical hemisymmetry hemisystole hemiterata hemiteratic hemiteratics hemiteria hemiterpene hemitery hemithyroidectomy hemitone hemitremor hemitrichous hemitriglyph hemitropal hemitrope hemitropic hemitropism hemitropous hemitropy hemitype hemitypic hemivagotony

Different Options For Bulging Disc Treatment?

A bulging disc is a condition that occurs along the spine of an individual. The disc is a padded area that acts as a cushion between the vertebrae of the spine. The interior of the disc is made from a thick fluid called nucleus polposus, and the surrounding harder cartridge that contains the fluid is known as the annulus fibrosis. The bulge occurs when the fluid presses on the outer shell of the disc, forcing it to expand outwards beyond the area of the spine. A spinal bulging disc is different than a herniated disc in that the surface of the annulus fibrosis is not damaged, but is merely deformed by pressure. Many people experience a bulging disc at some point. The condition can become more common with age or overexertion. In reality, a healthy person without other existing medical conditions that could affect the spine or healing time can expect to see a properly rested bulging disc heal itself within one to two months. In cases where the bulge is causing only minor pain and is likely a result of overextension, overexertion, or poor posture, rest and some stretching is the most commonly suggested bulging disc treatment. In some situations, bulging disc can become a chronic condition. Physical therapy that relieves pressure on the disc, and education about the correct way to move the spine, can help to give the disc time to heal itself over time. For more stubborn situations, a posterior brace or traction might be used to relieve pressure and to prevent the spine from moving into a potentially damaging position. Occasionally, this type of bulging disc treatment is accompanied by pain relievers or muscle relaxers. When other options such as cortisone injections, traction, braces, and exercise have been exhausted, or when the pain is preventing normal daily activities, then there are some surgical bulging disc treatment options. A procedure known as chemonucleolysis can be used to introduce a chemical into the nucleus polposus so that it will reduce in size. A hemilaminectomy might be performed when other options have failed, removing part of the actual vertebrae with the intention of relieving pressure on the disc so it will not bulge. Finally, a discectomy can be performed in order to remove the disc itself, although this can eventually lead to other types of back pain and could potentially require follow-up surgery.