

What is herbal detoxing?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is herbal detoxing?
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How does detoxing THC feel?

Detoxing from THC can vary depending on individual factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and overall health. Some common symptoms experienced during THC detox include irritability, mood swings, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and cravings for marijuana. It is important to stay hydrated, eat well, exercise, and practice self-care during the detox process.

What supplements should one take when detoxing from alcohol?

lots of water, exercise, reduce caffeine intake

What liquids help in detoxing marijuana?

cranberry juice

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by detoxing all of the house

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by detoxing all of the house

Can a liver cleanse cause liver pain?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean be "liver cleanse" - there is nothing extra that can be done to boost liver funcion by means of detox dieting, herbal remedies etc... "Detoxing" should not cause liver pain, however if the detox involved herbal medication, some can cause liver problems in previously healthy individuals (i.e. just because they're herbal does not mean they are safe). If you already had liver issues and this is why you're "cleansing", the cleanse probably hasn't made it worse or better; best to see your doctor if you're worried.

Should you avoid sun exposure after detoxing your body?


Does your skin smell different when your detoxing on methadone?

No, although you will sweat more.

What movie was Samuel l Jackson detoxing from heroin in?

jungle fever

Is it possible to still be able to work while detoxing?

It should be theorheticly possible, however depending on what you are detoxing from you will more likely than not feel so awful that you won't feel able nor want to work.

Will taking amoxicillin help detox your body?

No. Amoxicillan is an antibiotic, not a detoxing agent.

Where can you buy herbal teas?

At the herbal tea store.