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Q: What is hot water extraction in carpet cleaning?
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Can steam cleaning damage my carpet?

No. Hot water extraction is considered to be the best method for removing embedded soil and other contaminants. It is also the preferred cleaning method by the leading carpet manufacturers.

What is carpet cleaner?

Carpet cleaning is performed to remove stains, dirt, and allergens from carpets. Common methods include hot water extraction, dry-cleaning, and vacuuming.

Is the carpet damp after the cleaning?

Yes, our hot water extraction cleaning procedure does leave some moisture in the carpet. Typical dry time is between 6 and 12 hours, depending on the airflow in the residence, condition and style of carpet being cleaned.

How do you clean carpet properly?

Use the hot water extraction process. Firstly, thoroughly vacuum the carpet. For wool carpets use a cleaning solution approved by the "Woolsafe" organisation and which is free of detergent. Agitate solution into the carpet using a machine with contra-rotating brushes. This will loosen the soil ready for extraction. Use hot water extraction machine to rinse with plain warm water and extract the waste water and loosened soil.

How and When to Get Your Carpet Cleaned?

A popular technique used for carpet cleaning is steam cleaning, which is also referred to as hot water extraction. It involves injecting a cleaning solution and hot, soft water into your carpet. This loosens then lifts the soil and dirt from the carpet devoid of the rasping brushing involved in other cleaning techniques. By using this method, the carpet dries faster because a high proportion of the moisture in the carpet is suctioned out so there is no foamy residue left. This makes sure that the carpet does not attract dirt and prevents it from getting soiled faster.

What can we do for Carpet Cleaning?

Hire a professional carpet cleaning service is the best option. Steam cleaning is the best option to clean carpets. It is the process where the carpet is sprayed with a cleaning agent, and then hot water is injected with high-pressure extraction that extracts the water. During this process, all the dirt or stains or urine stains etc. comes out immediately. for more information check out the link in our profile.

Best carpet cleaning shampoo and machine?

Best carpet cleaning machine’s Vax ECB1SPV1 Platinum Power Max Carpet Cleaner Bissell Compact HydroWave 2571E Carpet Cleaner Bissell ProHeat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Carpet Cleaner

Does professional carpet cleaning get rid of dust mites?

YES they do, Steam cleaning is the best option to clean carpets. It is the process where the carpet is sprayed with a cleaning agent, and then hot water is injected with high-pressure extraction that extracts the water. During this process, all the dirt or stains or urine stains etc. comes out immediately. for more information check out the link in our profile.

Can professional carpet cleaning remove stains?

YES they can, Steam cleaning is the best option to clean carpets. It is the process where the carpet is sprayed with a cleaning agent, and then hot water is injected with high-pressure extraction that extracts the water. During this process, all the dirt or stains or urine stains etc. comes out immediately. for more information check out the link in our profile.

What is the best system to use when having my carpet cleaned?

There are many recognized carpet manufacture in the world, now requires that all carpets be cleaned with a system that leaves no residue. If you have a problem, they test your carpet and find residue, they can void your warranty. That being said, the only carpet cleaning system that is capable of doing that is steam cleaning, also called hot water extraction. When properly performed by a certified carpet cleaning technician, steam cleaning will properly clean the carpet and leave it almost dry.

Which is the best carpet cleaning machine?

The best carpet cleaning machines are truck mounted units, used by professional carpet cleaning companies for hot water extraction, also known as steam cleaning. Home carpet cleaning machines are best used for spot cleaning. They do not have the suction power necessary to properly extract the water and cleaning solution from the carpet for general cleaning. If the carpet stays wet for more than 24 or 48 hours, mold can start to grow, so you really want a professional carpet cleaner for clean and safe carpeting.

How to Clean Your Old Dirty Carpet?

Cleaning dirty old carpet is a challenge because once dirt and sand reach the bottom of the carpet, it's almost impossible to get it out. You can clean carpets yourself with a rented carpet cleaner. These machines use two methods for cleaning: hot water extraction or an agitator brush. Preferably your machine has both. No matter how clean you keep your residence, old carpets build up stains and appear dingy. Standard cleaning brightens the carpet and removes the stains. While numerous carpet cleaning solutions and stain removers contain harsh chemicals and emit strong odors, a few common domestic products can clean your carpets efficiently.