

What is humans rights?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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11y ago

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Human right in its simplest meaning refers to the liberties and further privileges that an individual has by which one expresses him/herself freely without prejudices or abuse from the society in which one stays.

Human right is a basic or fundamental right that an individual cannot be denied of. It is an inherent right which begins by birth until death.

No body has the right to deny any individual of his or her right, when such person have not committed any crime or gone against the laws of the land in which he resides.

In-respective of an individuals religion, education or association, their human right is an inalienable right

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Drake Rodriguez

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1y ago
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'Human rights' means the right of all people to live in peace, without fear. It's an astonishingly simple concept, but one which has legions of lawyers and other experts worldwide endlessly debating how to list all the possible separate rights of a human being. Unfortunately, we pay a a great deal of money to enable people to define concepts that are built into the human psyche and cover all the needs of human beings, when we could instead be spending this money to help others live as comfortably as their circumstances allow. Instead, in this age of telephone and video conferencing, we send our politicians, diplomats, lawyers, translators and battalions of aides to other countries (usually at a favourable time of year) to stay in luxury hotels and sit around long tables in order to debate the rights of others to live happily, though not - of course - in five-star hotels. Ultimately, it's so very simple; a small child could define it. Are you happy and feeling well-treated? Is your government working for you rather than against you? Have you been arrested but still treated well and given the opportunity to understand your situation and ask for assistance? Have you been captured in a war zone and are being treated with respect? Basically, are others treating you in the manner they'd like to be treated (excluding very weird people)? If so, you're being allowed your basic human rights.

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