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The water molecules surround the negative ions and positive ions and pull them away into the solution. This process is called dissociation

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Q: What is hydration of ion in aqueous solution?
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What is the solution process with water as the solvent?

This solution is called water solution or aqueous solution.

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Aqueous titration: the ion to be titrated is in an aqueous solution Nonaqueous titration: the ion to be titrated is in an nonaqueous solution

What is the ion Lithium in aqueous solution?

Its posive

Lithium is better reducing agent than cesium in aqueous solution?

, the alkali metals are powerful reducing agents. Lithium in aqueous solution is as strong a reducing agent as Caesium. This is probably due to high hydration energy of small lithium ion, which compensates for high ionisation energy. The hydration energy of alkali metal ions follows the order: Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+ . Due to extensive hydration, Li+ ion has the highest hydration energy, as a result of which reduction potential of Li is higher than other alkali metals. Thus most powerful reducing agent in solution is lithium.

How do you classify the aqueous solution acidic or basic?

By observing the [H+] ion concentration and [OH-] concentration in the aqueous solution. If the [H+] ion concentration is higher that the [OH-] ion concentration, it is acidic. Vice Versa for basic.

Which ion is the only negative ion present in an aqueous solution of Arrhenius base?

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An ion that imparts a deep purple color to an aqueous solution?

MnO4- (aq) the permanganate ion

What is the formula for the hydromium ion?

The formula for Hydronium Ion is H30+. Hydronium Ion is an Aqueous Solution and is also considered as a bare nucleus.

What is the pH value of bread?

pH is the negative log of the activity of the hydrogen ion in an aqueous solution. A powder is not a solution.

What is formed when sodium ion and chloride ion is attached to watery molecules?

This procedure creates an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.

What is the name and formula for the ion formed when an acid is in aqueous solution?

When an acid is placed in water, the hydronium ion (H3O^+) is formed.

What is the equation of heat of hydration?

Heat of hydration or enthalpy of hydration of ions corresponds to the heat that is released by hydration of one mole of ions at a constant pressure. The more the ion is hydrated, the more heat is released. Degree of hydration depends on the size and charge of ion. The smaller the ion and the greater its charge, it will be the more hydrated.