

What is identifier name?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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In computer programming, an "identifier" is a name for just about anything that can be named in the programming language: for example, variables, objects, classes, packages, etc.

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Q: What is identifier name?
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If the identifier you want to pass is an ordinary identifier, pass it as the address of... function(&identifier); If the identifier you want to pass is an array identifier, pass its name... function(arrayname);

Is it is true that the identifier and a variable in C programming language are same?

No. Identifier is a scientific name for the name.Variables, functions, types, etc -- each have an identifier.

How many characters can be included in an identifier name Are all of these characters equally significant?

In most programming languages, an identifier name can typically include letters, digits, and underscore characters. The number of characters allowed in an identifier name varies across languages but is usually around 255 characters. All characters in an identifier are significant and can differentiate one identifier from another.

What is the similarity between an identifier and a variable?

Answer:- identifier is the name like a, b, c, .... which is used to reference a memory location in a program. +-variable is the actual memory location which can hold 'a' is an identifier to a variable which is memory location located somewhere in memory.Answer:A Variable in Java is something that holds a particular value in a class. For example:public class A { private String name = ""; ......} In the above declaration name is a variable. It would hold the data of type String.An Identifier is nothing but the name that we give for our variables, classes, methods etc. It is nothing but the name with which we identify an entity in Java. For example here A is the identifier for the class, name is the identifier for the variable etc.

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