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je suis efant unique.

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Q: What is im an only child in french?
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What makes you forget people names and your child hood?

Im only Ten

Does Jacques Chirac have a brother?

No. Jacques Chirac, the French politician, was an only child.

What does sont suis enfant unique mean in French?

sont / suis enfant unique means "are / is an only child" in French.

Is there a word to describe a male or female only child?

several : spoiled, lonely Not the answer im looking for. One word to describe either male or female only child, not both

How do you say No Child in French?

no child is 'pas d'enfant' in French.

How do you say the child in french?

The child (English) -> l'enfant (French)

How do you say my genius child in French?

Im pretty bad at french but genius is genial so now you need my and child... :( Hi, I'm also rubbish at french but I looked at google translate and it said that it was mon enfant genie with an accent slanting from bottom left to top right over the first e in genie.

How do you say only child in French?

"seul enfant, enfant unique". This is not gender specific, and the words "fils unique / fille unique" (only son / only daughter) are more common in spoken French.

How do you say Selena gomez is an only child in french?

Selena Gomez n'est qu'une enfant

What is the word for child in french?

a child is "un enfant" or "une enfant" in French

How do you say you are the only one im missing in french?

Tu es la seule personne qui me manque.

Was Harriet Tubman the only child?

no she had 11 brothers and sister im not lying it was a big family on an plantation farm