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Q: What is impact of internet and www on the ERP products?
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How the internet and www are shaping the use and development of erp?

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Is the internet part of the WWW.?

No. Actually, the world wide web (WWW) makes use of the internet. Some might say the WWW is a part of the internet.

What is the difference between the internet and the www?

Internet is the name of the world wide web (www).

What is the difference between the WWW and Internet?

WWW stands for World Wide Web and there is a big difference. Some people confuse the Internet which came before the WWW. The World Wide Web is a way to access information on the Internet. The Internet is much larger -- a massive network that connects computers together. The www is a part of the Internet.

What do mean by internet and www?

www. stands for World Wide Web.

How do you build a career in erp? ;clic the 2nd or 3rd line! remember to put www first!!

What is the different between www and the internet?

WWW stands for World Wide Web which basically is a smarter way to say Internet.

Is the www bigger than the internet?

The www(World Wide Web) IS the internet. Though in a way I guess you could say the internet is bigger simply due to the fact that not all web addresses need a www in front of it.

What the meaning of www?

WWW stands for World Wide Web. Basically, it is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed through the internet. WWW is not the same as the internet. The WWW uses communication through HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to enable information to be exchanged over the internet.

Does www mean the same as internet?

WWW stands for World Wide Web.

What was the first prototype of the internet?


How does the world wide web function technically?

WWW stands for world wide web . Before WWW internet was mainly used for obtaining textual information. But post-WWW , the internet popularity grew tremendously because of graphic-intensive nature of WWW. Therefore, we may attribute the explosion in use and popularity of internet to WWW only