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The pursuit of science and technology is both self-rewarding and socially rewarding.

Scientific understanding has taken the world out of the dark ages and turned humanity into a culture that can control it's own destiny.

Medical science has extended the human life expentency by about 4 times what it was before 1700s.

Astronomy has been the foreground of every great discovery in fundamental physics since the dawn of civilization.

Physics perpetuates the ground works understanding of the world and universe as a whole.

Chemistry is responsible for every industrial material you can name.

Biology has vastly improved all understanding of the way life was created, perpetuates and thrives; thus fueling all medical and life research.

Engineering has brought everything from bridges, buildings,roads, planes to computers, satellites, space stations and Nanotechnology from the grasp of the ever inquisitive scientist and into the home of the common person.

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