

What is important about an aim?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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you can hit the target.

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Q: What is important about an aim?
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Can kids have an aim?

If they want one then so be it. the important thing is not to force them to have one.

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The most important aim of a Muslim is to win the Pleasure and Good-Will of Almighty Allah by sincerely following the commands of Almighty Allah and obeying the teachings of the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW).

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by: moha ali

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No, it is often an important part, but it should not be the only approach.

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Knowing the polarity of transformers is important if they are to be connected in parallel.

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My most important aim and task is providing for my family and living a good life before God.

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To have correct evidence to his work .And to prove his work and aim of his work;

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For future periodic testing of the network and diagnostics.

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to help tyhe community and to lobe the will of it's members to succeed in whatever their aim is.

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The aim of the science education program, is simply to teach people the importance, and theories in the field of science. Knowing things in a variety of fields in science is important for people to be knowledgeable.

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AIM bots are automatic AIM Buddy's that can have polls, games, news, etc.

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His main aim in life was to help others by following Jesus and by doing this he told them how good Jesus was and how important he was and who he was ( the son of God), also he wanted people to know that Jesus was their saviour.