

What is important about bees?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Without bees, we would be missing much of our food. Bees pollinate any of the fruits and vegetables we eat, along with some grains, and grasses.

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Q: What is important about bees?
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The most important job of bees is to pollinate the flowers they visit. This is essential for the development of the crops.

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they r important because they give pollen to flowers for bees to make honey

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Because honey bees collect the juice of the flower so the bees at home can make honey they are the bess that pollinate the most flowers

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How do get rid of honey bees in my eaves?

If you have a beekeeper in the area, they will come and remove the bees for you. If you can't get in touch with a beekeeper, an exterminator can come out and remove the bees. Honey bees are important to the environment, and shouldn't be killed unless it is a last resort.