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Q: What is in Chinese food that can cause and upset stomach?
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What cause you to have an upset stomach everyday?

what gives you an upset stomach is when you digest your food your food can rise up from the stomach from acid also known as gas building up in your stomach and so as it rises thats when you feel like you have and upset stomach.

Is stomach pain a side effect from amox tr-k clv 500 -125?

This medication, which is a penicillin, can cause stomach upset. You can take it with food to reduce stomach upset, but if it continues, you need to call your doctor or pharmacist.

What makes you have upset stomach when you eat to much?

some time there are bad things in the food that make you stomach upset

Can you add oil to your dogs food?

Adding oil to your dogs food is something that can cause stomach upset. The oil gets stuck in the intestines, and can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues.

Does Protein make a person have gas?

No, though consuming too much of any single food might cause an upset stomach.

Can green food coloring cause upset stomach?

It shouldn't. All food colouring is made of some natural materials and chemicals. The chemicals would be the same or very similar no matter what the colour. If you are having and upset stomach it's probably from something else or you could be mildly allergic to something in the food colouring.

Can spoiled and curdled milk cause food poisoning?

Well, it certainly can and probably will give the child an upset stomach resulting in them vomiting. Typically, it will not cause a permanent illness.

What are the social effect of food borne illnesses?

Food born illnesses can make people sick. They can cause any thing from an upset stomach to flu like symptoms.

Will your dog get sick if you change from standard food to holistic food?

Dogs will generally get diarrhea and stomach upset when their food is changed. You should make the switch gradually to prevent this. Also, some dogs have allergies to certain foods, and this can cause stomach upset as well. If your dog continues to have stomach problems after two months or more of being on the new food, you should consider switching to a different protein source.

What is a good dog food brand that won't upset your dogs stomach?

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, a good dog food brand that probably won't upset it's stomach is Iams. It's a dry food brand and has it for small, medium, and large dogs.

Can not eating cause stomach upset?

Yes like eating too much it can upset your stomach by not eating as your stomach produces stomach acid ready to digest a meal if there is no food then this can cause problems as bloating constipation and heart burn from the build up of stomach acid

Why does Japanese food upset your stomach?

to be honest with you, it only upset ppl's stomach if they dont like it, if they arent used to raw fis ( or just fish) or if they're vegetarian, or etc. There may be other info, but im not sure. all i know is that it doesnt upset mine, so not everyone gets upset stomach over japanese food.