

What is in a bacteria's cell?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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well in general, a bacterium cell will contain much the same material that a human cell will contain. it will have genetic material, (RNA DNA) proteins, cytoplasm ribosomes, and other organells

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Is present in cell?

Plants, fungi, and most bacterias.

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Plants are multicellular, bacterias are unicellular.Plant cells have cell walls made from cellulose. Bacterias have cell walls made of peptidoglycan.

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Well,there are bacterias which don't have cell wall and some of them do,as some of them are hetotrophic and autotropic..As we know that only autotrophicians have the cell wall,so some bacterias do have it.

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An onion cell is a plant cell, thereby it is eukaryotic. Prokaryotic cells are only found by bacterias.

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All types of bacterias are classified as being prokaryotic.

Can a virus infect any type of cell?

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