

What is in a flaming dark light deck?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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This deck contains.


Flamvell firedog x2

flamvell magician x3

Flamvell guard x2

masked dragon x3

dread dragon x2

majestic dragon x2

worm caratos x2

worm dimikles x2

worm gulse x1

mystic tomato x3

changer synchron x2

reptilianne naga x2

drill barnicle x1


pot of avarice x1

pot of benevolence x2

monster reborn x1

cards of consonence x1

scapegoat x1

stardust shimmer x2

dark hole x1

heavy storm x1

burden of the mighty x1

crashbug road x2

swords of revealing light x1

spirit burner x1


parallel selection x2

bottomless trap hole x2

trap hole x2

threating roar x2

call of the huanted x1

shadow spell x1

starlight road x2

urgent tuning x2

magic cylinder x1

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