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Q: What is in chloroplast that absorbs sunlight?
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Whatdoes the chloraplat do?

chloroplast's is in a plant cell and absorbs sunlight to make energy

How a plant pigment that absorbs sunlight?

There are two types. Those are chlorophyll and caratinoids.

Which layer of leaf has the most chloroplast and why?

I believe that the palisade layer has the most chloroplast, because it has the chlorophyll which absorbs sunlight.

What part of the plant absorbs sunlight?

The leaves absorb sunlight and change it into energy.

What leaf layer contaiins chloroplast?

I believe that the palisade layer has the most chloroplast, because it has the chlorophyll which absorbs sunlight.

What does chloroplast do in a plant cell do?

It captures the energy from sunlight as chemical energy.

How do plants make their food and how do they store them?

plants have a process called photosynthesis in which the plant absorbs sunlight a cell called chloroplast absorbs it and makes water and sugar

What does the chloroplast in the Venus flytrap do?

chloroplasts make every plant green. it absorbs the sunlight and makes the green color on a plant.

What organelle absorbs carbon dioxide in plants?

The organelle that absorbs carbon dioxide in plants is the chloroplast. It also absorbs sunlight and use it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to conduct the process of photosynthesis.

What captures sunlight and stores it in molecules for the plant cell?

The chloroplast absorbs solar energy and stores the light as molecules for the plant cell.

What does the chloroplast do for a plant cell?

Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which absorbs energy from sunlight for photosynthesis.