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cranberry juice doesn't actually clean your system all's it does is dilute your system which your p.o or whoever s testing you will start to realize that your drinking fluids to get a clean urine or at least try to and then you might get violated or in trouble but pretty much if you drink a Lotta fluids your drug test will come out diluted but if you can get away with it screw it you might as well but whatever you do don't believe that bull that if you drink vinegar you'll get a clean one cause believe me i tried it and it never really worked out for me but the best solution to quit smoking until you get off probation or paroll

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Q: What is in cranberry juice that gets marijuana out of your system?
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What drink gets marijuana out of your system the fastest?

Vinegar and olive oil usually does it slightly faster.

How do you clean THC from body?

Exercise = sweat. THC is fat-soluble which means sweating gets rid of it... fast. Make sure to keep well hydrated and drink a lot of water, however, do not over-hydrate. The sickest i have ever been was from over-hydration. The ultimate way to get THC out of the system is to not get it in your system.

Can you pass a marijuana test after 3 days?

It is possible to pass a marijuana test after a couple days, however it may be very difficult. There are a couple factors that determine if this is possible,the first being your metabolism. The better your metabolism is, the quicker the THC gets out of your system. Second is age, the older you are, the slower it gets out of your system (typically). Lastly, your diet. Eating certain things can benefit and speed up the process or getting the THC out of your system, such as drinking cranberry juice. If you know you are getting tested for it, I wouldn't push it for 3 days - I'd lay off for an entire week at least to be on the safe side.

How do you get JHW-018 out of you system?

A lot of sweating/physical exercise gets just about anything also drink cranberry juice and green tea and eat fiber u should be good in a few days or less.

How long does marrijuana stay in your body?

Yes the more u smoke more THC enters your body and sticks to your fat cells thus the more u smoke the longer it stays in ur system because u have more to get rid of. If your skinny it exits your body faster, as opposed to being overwieght it takes longer.

Can marijuana get in your system by touching it?

ummm NO. its the THC in marijuana that gets you high and and you have to ingest it somehow either eating, drinking, or smoking marijuana, hash, etc.

Can you test positive if it gets in your system from the air?

If you test positive it is in your system no matter how it gets there. Secondary smoke from marijuana can be inhaled and you could test positive because of this.

Can you clean your system in 4 days of marijuana?

Drink water constantly but don't over do it. If for an urine test if it is too diluted they will fail you. So drink a combination of water and cranberry juice and exercise to burn fat because after you smoke it gets stored in your fat cells. To make sure you're not completed diluted eat plenty of red meat or things with B12 vitamins they check for that and good luck! No smoking at all!

Can the aroma of marijuana on someone else get into your system?

no it cant, Because Your not directly taking in the THC...The ways THC gets in your system is if it is either inhaled or digested...

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I've heard cranberry juice and lots and lots of water to flush out the briaetca, I get them all the time and you should not just drink cranberry juice and lots of water to get rid of it, you need to go get antibiotics to truly be rid of it. I know I get them alot. Plus don't let it get out of hand, it just gets worse and goes into your kidneys and you will be really sick, go to the doctor if your in pain.

How long can potent marijuana stay in your system?

Depends on how much you smoke, if your a regular smoker or not, and if you are active. I believe THC can stay in your system for up to 2 weeks. However the more water, cranberry juice, and the more you run, sweat, and be active, will decrease the time. Also, there are body cleansers that will cleanse it from your body.

How did you find out that marijuana gets you high?

in school