

What is in edinbrugh?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is in edinbrugh?
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the duke of edinbrugh is the queens husbands

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When he married then Princess Elizabeth he was granted the title Duke of Edinbrugh

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1.5 to Aberdeen

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Do you need a passport to get to edinbrugh?

Yes you will require a passport if you are flying.

How long have the Queen and the Duke of Edinbrugh been married?

58 years

What is edinbrugh famous for?

Well Edinburgh is famous for a lot of things For example Grey Friars Bobby , Elephant house (its the birth place of Harry Potter), And most inportantly Edinbrugh Castle I hope it came in handy

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713 i am not sure of it i mean of course im sure of it...

Where can one buy tickets for flights from Birmingham to Edinbrugh?

There are many locations to buy tickets for flights from Birmingham to Edinbrugh. One of most common places to is though sites like Orbitz and Expedia. They can also be purchased through airline website like Virgin.

Why is Edinbrugh called Edinbrugh?

Edinburgh was originally named "Edenesburch" in Old English, which means "fortress of Edwin". The name evolved over the centuries to its current form, Edinburgh.