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electrons in metal play a role of conducting current or signals...

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Q: What is in metals that conducts signals?
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What conducts electrisity?

metals conduct electricity.

What is a material that conducts?

A conductor. These are mostly metals

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Which material is mallenable and conducts electricity?

Most metals.

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Soild metals are good condutors of what?

Metal conducts electricity.

What elements conducts heat well?

iron, copper, metals in general gases not so much

Which element has a black dull surface and it conducts electrical current well A metal non metal or a metalloid?

This element is a metalloid as it has properties (dull but conducts electrical current) from both metals and non-metals.

What is the name of the cell that conducts electrochemical signals in the nervous system?

Neurons use electrochemical signals to send any kind of information through the body.

Which class of elements have both the properties of metals and non metals?

Conducts heat and electricity very poorly.

What element conducts electricity cadmium or sodium?

I believe you ment to say 'which element conducts electricity Cadmium or Sodium?'They both do. They are both metals.

Why is carbon a nonmetal if it conducts electricity?

Carbon is a semi-metallic element and because of this it shares properties of metals and non-metals.