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I think you are referring to the phrase "Knit one, Purl two".

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Q: What is in the blank for Knit one two?
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What is blank divided by blank which equals two divided by blank which equals 315?

One possible answer: Blank 1 = 3150 Blank 2 = 10 Blank 3 = (2/315) = approx 0.006349

What does k2tog mean in knitting?

In knitting, k2tog is an abbreviation for "Knit Two Stitches Together," or simply "Knit Two Together."

What does knit in front and back of stitch increase one.?

This is a standard increase that turns one stitch into two stitches.

How do you knit one?

To learn how to make the Knit one Stitch, I would suggest that you look at the attached links. I have given two YouTube videos, and one Yarn Council of America link, which shows pictures and gives explanations of how to make a 'knit stitch' and how to make a 'purl stitch'. It also shows an easy 'cast on' for knitting.

How do you knit an SPK?

SKP aka sl1, k1, psso(Slip Knit Pass) or (Slip One, Knit One, Pass the Slipped Stitch Over)

What is the difference between and wind collar and a knit collar?

Type your answer here... one is knit and one is wind

When you make 1 stitch and there are no directions to knit or purl it what do you do?

You always make one to knit unless it says specifically to do it as a purl but make sure to make one the English way . After you pick up the bar between the two stitches knit it thru the back so you will not get a hole . If it is too easy you are doing it wrong

What is 10 blank equals what?

That statement has two unknown quantities in it ... 'blank' and 'what'. In order to find the values of two unknown quantities, you need two equations. It can't be done with only one.

How do you knit c4b and c4f?

C4B means "cable four back" and is a cable worked over four stitches. Assuming you knit from right to left you place two stitches on your cable needle (or another temporary stitch holder), hold it behind your work, knit two stitches and then knit the two stitches you placed on the cable needle.

What is the most common knit stitch used for beginners?

The most common knit stitch used for beginners is... wait for it... the knit stitch! The other most common knit stitch is called the purl stitch. These are the two basic stitches in knitting and when they are put together in different ways, they create different patterns! When you knit every row, that's called the garter stitch and when you knit one row and purl the next row, that's called the stockinette stitch.

What does St st meaning in knitting?

it is an abbreviation for Stockinette Stitch also known as Stocking stitch . It is basic stitch where you knit one row and purl one back and repeat just these two rows written as Knit 1 row Purl 1 row Knit 1 row Purl 1 row

What does slip 1 mean in knitting?

There are two ways to slip a stitch, knit-wise and purl-wise. When in doubt, generally you should slip purl-wise. Insert the needle into the stitch to be slipped either as if to knit (knit-wise) or as if to purl (purl-wise). Then slide it off the left needle without pulling a new stitch through it. That's all there is to it. Here are some applications: For a tidy selvage edge, slip the first stitch of each row purl-wise. For a decrease that is the mirror image of a K2TOG, do an SSK (Slip, Slip, Knit). Slip one stitch knit-wise. Slip another stitch knit-wise. Slipping knit-wise gives the stitches a half twist. Now slip them both together back onto the left needle, passing them with the needles held tip to tip. Knit them together through the back loops.