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An individual-centric approach to development focuses on prioritizing the needs and capabilities of each person within a community. It emphasizes personalized support, empowerment, and tailored interventions to help individuals reach their full potential. This approach recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and seeks to address their specific challenges and strengths.

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What is the piagetian approach to cognitive development?

Piaget's approach to cognitive development emphasizes stages of development that children progress through, starting from sensorimotor and progressing to formal operational stage. He believed that children actively construct their understanding of the world through interactions with their environment. Piaget also emphasized the importance of assimilation and accommodation in this process.

Has the influence of the cognitive approach declined with the development of neuroimaging techniques?


Which approach to adult cognitive development is an outgrowth of Piaget's theory postformal or information processin?

Information processing approach to adult cognitive development is considered an outgrowth of Piaget's theory. This approach focuses on how adults acquire, store, and use information to solve problems and make decisions, drawing from Piaget's ideas about mental operations and cognitive development. It emphasizes the importance of factors such as attention, memory, and problem-solving strategies in understanding adult cognitive development.

Why is the just development concept appealing to ngos approach to development?

The just development concept is appealing to NGOs because it emphasizes fairness, equity, and inclusivity in development efforts. NGOs are often focused on addressing social injustices and inequalities, making the just development approach aligned with their values and missions. By promoting just development, NGOs can work towards creating sustainable and positive social change that prioritizes the well-being of marginalized communities.

Which aspects of development are not adequately addressed by the information processing approach?

The information processing approach to development may not fully account for the role of emotions and social interactions in shaping cognitive development. It tends to focus on individual processes like memory and problem-solving, while overlooking the broader context of social and emotional influences on cognition. Additionally, the approach may not sufficiently consider the impact of culture and environmental factors on cognitive development.

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What is the piagetian approach to cognitive development?

Piaget's approach to cognitive development emphasizes stages of development that children progress through, starting from sensorimotor and progressing to formal operational stage. He believed that children actively construct their understanding of the world through interactions with their environment. Piaget also emphasized the importance of assimilation and accommodation in this process.

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What are the elements of the Starbright academic approach?

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What is the Self Help Approach to Community Development?


Explain what is meant by structured approach to system development?

A structured approach is just basically a safer and slower way to develop the system. if you think of system development as building a tower the structured approach is the using stronger materials.

Why is sellecting a systems development approach an important business decision?

A system development approach is a framework and guide of all the activities involved in system development, facilitates teamwork, sets expectation and communicates timelines, milestones & deliverables. An organization selects a system development approach based on their size, technological complexity and problem/opportunity the system will solve.

Directive approach in community development?

Directive approach in community development is aimed at giving guidance in various activities that help develop a community. This is getting instructions and governance from the top.