

What is individuals of the same kind?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is individuals of the same kind?
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What is a group made up of the same kind of individuals living in the same ecosystem?

a population

What are two or more individuals of the same kind living together?

A population?

What do biologists call a group of individuals of the same kind occupying a given area at the same time?

Biologists refer to a group of individuals of the same kind occupying a given area at the same time as a population. This term is commonly used to study and describe the characteristics, behavior, and dynamics of a specific group of organisms within an ecosystem.

Which word describes a group cows standing together?

the correct word for the question is a population which means All the individuals of the same kind of living in the same ecosystem

Which word describes a group of cows standing together?

the correct word for the question is a population which means All the individuals of the same kind of living in the same ecosystem

What is an species?

A species is a group of individuals that share the same characteristics. Humans are one kind of species. There are many main species and subspecies as well.

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The expression "their ilk" refers to people who are similar or of the same kind as the one being referred to. It is often used to describe a group of individuals who have similar characteristics or traits.

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they can inter breed and produce fertile offspring.

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Identical twins are two individuals that develop from the same zygote. They share the same genetic material and are typically the same sex.

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Kindness, like in any group of people, varies among individuals. It's important not to generalize or stereotype homeless individuals based on their circumstances. Many homeless people are kind, compassionate individuals who deserve empathy and support.

A group of the same kind of organisms that live in the same area at the same time?

A population is a group of individuals of the same species that inhabit a specific area and interbreed. They interact with each other and their environment, playing a key role in the ecosystem's dynamics and functioning.