

What is inside a cell and is surrounded by membranes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is inside a cell and is surrounded by membranes?
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What are eukaroytic cells surrounded by?

cell membranes and plasma membranes

A cell that contain organelles surrounded by membranes most living things?

A cell containing organelles surrounded by membranes that is found in most living plants and animals is a eukaryotic cell.

Type of cell that has nucleus and organelles surrounded by membranes?

animal or plant cell

Are eukaryotic cells are cells that are surrounded by a cell membrane?

Eukaryotic cells have cell membranes.

Is a eukaryotic cell has organelles surrounded by membranes true or false?


What determines the fuction of a cel?

The shape of a cell is what determines its function. Cells are surrounded by cell membranes.

What is is the nucleus surrounded by?

The nucleus is surrounded by two types of cell membranes, the inner and outer nuclear membranes. The nucleus can also float around in the cytoplasm.

Do plants have cell membrane?

Plants have cell membranes just inside their cell walls. The cell membranes control what passes into and out of the cell.

In eukaryotic cells the cell organelle that is surrounded by two membranes?

mitochondria, nucleus, chloroplast

Why are organelles surrounded by membranes?

Organelles are surrounded by membranes to separate themselves from the cytosol.

This is a fluid-filled membrane-surrounded cavity located inside a cell?

The vacuole is a fluid-filled membrane-surrounded cavity located inside a cell

What structure in the cells are surrounded by membranes?

all cell organelle are membrane bounded especially in eukaryotes