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Q: What is intangible cost with example?
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What are some examples of intangible cost?

Costs which can not attributed with a usual financial analysis. For example if we talk about a gold mine project, the possible cost of law suits with local people around the gold mine due to the pollution of the gold mine is an intangible cost regarding the evaluation of the project.

Is prepaid loan cost is intangible?

It is a prepaid expense to be expensed over time. Not an intangible.


Is how to describe the cost of good and service , tangibles and intangible how to determined.

Is a deferred loan cost an intangible assets?


Allocating the cost of an intangible asset is referred to as 1.amortization. 2.depletion. 3.accretion. 4.capitalization.?

Allocation of cost of intangible asset is called as amortization.

What is intangible and tangible?

Tangible is something you can touch and Intangible means something you can't touch. An example of Tangible waste can be an empty can and an Intangible waste can be air pollution.

What is tangible and intangible waste?

Tangible is something you can touch and Intangible means something you can't touch. An example of Tangible waste can be an empty can and an Intangible waste can be air pollution.

What is intangible cost?

intqngible assets whats is cost for licensed, bonds insurances etc?

The periodic transfer of the cost of an intangible asset to expense?


The periodic transfer of the cost of an intangible asset to expense is referred to as?


What are the tangible benefit and intangible benefit?

tangible assets is what can be seen while intangible asset is what cannot be seen or felt. The factory is an examle of intangible assets while patent is an example of intangible assets -- By Kailash Gaikwad