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Q: What is interference that increases amplitude?
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What happens to the amplitude of a wave during constructive interference?

During constructive interference, the amplitude of a wave increases. This occurs when two waves of the same frequency and similar amplitudes align their peaks and troughs. As a result, their amplitudes add up, resulting in a higher overall amplitude.

What is The interaction between waves that meet is?

Interference. This can result in either constructive interference, resulting in increased amplitude, or destructive interference, whereby there would a reduced amplitude.

What increases as amplitude increases?


How does destructive interference affect the amplitude of a wave?

Destructive interference affect the amplitude of a wave because two identical waves with similar amplitude and wavelength, arrive in anti phase, leading to a zero displacement.

Which increases if the amplitude of a sound wave increases?

The amplitude of a sound corresponds to its loudness so an increase in amplitude will correspond to a louder sound.

What happens when destuctive interference occurs between waves with different amplitudes?

Destructive interference lowers the amplitude, the lowest amplitude will be the difference between the two waves.

What happens to the frequency and Amplitude when you scream?

amplitude increases (louder the sound is, bigger is the amplitude)

What happens to the amplitude of the wave if the energy increases?

what happens to the amplitude of a wave when the energy increases

What happened to the particles in a longitudinal wave as the amplitude increases?

As amplitude increases, the particles in a longitudinal wave become denser.

What happens to the particles in a longitudinal wave as the amplitude increases?

the speed at which the energy travels increases.

What is constructive and destructive?

Constructive interference can be a confusing concept when called interference. It is wave interference that is moving in phase with another wave. This causes the waves to for a resultant wave with a greater amplitude. Destructive interference is wave interference that is moving out of phase with another wave. These waves form a resultant wave of lower amplitude.

When amplitude of the wave increase what else increases?

When amplitude increases, so does the energy. This stems from E = hv where h is Planck's constant, v is nu (amplitude) and E is energy.