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Q: What is involuntary voiding of the bladder or bowel?
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What is another name for urination?

Micturition, Diuresis voiding, or voiding the bladder

What is a xray visualization of the bladder and urethra during the voiding process after the bladder has been filled with a contrast medium?

Voiding Cystourethrogram

How does parasympathetic stimutaion effect the bowel?

The parasympathetic effect on urination will be that of bladder stimulation and resultant voiding of urine. If this stimulation is ecessive it will result in the bladder not being able to hold the urine until voluntary voiding of the urine thus a clinical effect of urinary incontinet results because of lack of control of bladder contraction by the individual.

What is a voiding cystograph?

A voiding cystourethrogram or VCUG is a diagnostic X-ray which studies the bladder and urethra. This helps to determine the bladder capacity and to detect the abnormalities of the urethra.

What is double voiding?

Double voiding refers to emptying the bladder twice, by urinating a second time 10-15 minutes after the first. It is a simple recommneded procedure to avoid bladder infections.

What acts as the trigger for the initiation of micturition or voiding?

the stretching of the bladder wall

Does void mean to vomit?

The term void is normally used to indicate a voiding of the bladder (peeing) or voiding of the bowels (poohing). It is not normally used to indicate a voiding of the stomach, this is called vomiting.

what is the definition of bowel incontinence?

Bowel incontinence is when a person is unable to control their bowels. That is, they have involuntary bowel movements.

Voiding or emptying the bladder is called?

Urinating or micturition.

What is the structure in the urinary system which holds urine until voiding can occur is the?

The bladder.

What is cystometry?

Cystometry is a test of bladder function in which pressure and volume of fluid in the bladder is measured during filling, storage, and voiding.

Are Micturition and Voiding synonyms?

Yes. The terms "micturition," "voiding" and "emiction" all refer to urination, the passage of urine from the bladder through the urethra to the outside of the body.