

What is isolation of affect?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What is isolation of affect?
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maby because isolation

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Aborigines speak a language unrelated to any outside Australia. Languages in Tasmania are unrelated to those off the island. Aboriginal cultures have no influences outside Australia.

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They are sticky and interfere with the purification process.

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Ugh it's so obvious..... why u no have brains

How does reproductive isolation affect the gene pools of two or more population?

beacause the wife baged the mom

What are three ways isolation occur?

1. When new species form.2. When a group is separated from the rest of its species.3. When members of the isolated group can no longer mate with the rest of species.

Which type of isolation can involve mating or courtship rituals?

Three types of isolation involve mating; habitat isolation, mechanical isolation, or sexual isolation.

How did china's natural isolation from its neighbors affect the development of its civilization as totally distinct from other great civilizations in the region?

it was mountainy and desertly and not interrupted

How do you say isolation in Latin?


What is the name for a type of isolation that prevents species from interbreeding?

there are six types which are below: 1. geographical isolation 2. ecological (habitat) isolation 3. behavioral (ethological) isolation 4. temporal isolation 5. structural (mechanical) isolation 6. gamete mortality (gamete isolation)

How does isolation affect ones perception of reality?

Social isolation can lead to imagined threats, and feelings of hopelessness. Since the person is not receiving any social feedback, they may imagine themselves in a far more negative light than exists. Humans are social animals, and continued isolation can lead to depression and stress, which in turn, could lead to physiological issues.