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Q: What is it .. Self induced vomiting .. threw up blood for the first time figured was prob a scratch in throat.. but also a dark brown material ..what is that?
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Why does the harder material scratch the softer material in mohrs?

The Mohs scale definition of hardness is that a harder material has the ability to scratch a softer material. So (according to the Mohs definition) one material can scratch another one because it is harder.

What material can scratch a diamond?


Is there scratch proofing that can be applied to sunglasses?

Anon Legion Sunglasses have lenses made from scratch resistant material.

Which material would scratch the other quartz or calcite?

Quartz, with a hardness of 7, will scratch calcite, with a hardness of 3.

Will it leave a mark if you scratch a hard rock?

That depends what you scratch it with, what material the rock is made from, and how much force you apply when scratching.

Ability to scratch etch or cut another material called?


What mineral can scratch itself but no other mineral can scratch it?

A diamond is the only material that cannot be scratched by any other than itself.

What do geologists use to classify a mineral's hardness?

Geologists use the Mohs scale of mineral hardness to characterize the scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer material. In this scale diamond is the hardest material and talc the softest.

Can a diamond scrach a other diamond?

Nope. Can glass scratch glass? Can plastic scratch plastic? A material has to be harder than another in order to scratch it. Like materials obviously have the same hardness.

Can a mineral scratch any material harder than itself?

False. A mineral can only scratch itself or minerals equal in hardness or softer than it.

What system identifies the scatch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer material?

mohs scale of hardness

What happens when you scratch a diamond in a mirror?

It would leave a scratch because a diamond is harder than glass; diamond being the hardest material on the Moh's Scale of hardness.