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Probably its pointlessness. Macbeth accomplished nothing by killing Macduff's family. They were no threat to him, and killing them only made Macduff more angry and determined to have revenge. It also involves the killing of children. Then, as now, crimes against children are considered among the worst. The play is full of images of the murder of children: the finger of the birth-strangled babe, the baby whose brains would be dashed out by Lady Macbeth, Fleance, on whom a murder attempt is made, and Macduff's son who bravely puts up a fight against the "shag-eared villain". The Macbeths represent an attack on the future generation by the present, as unnatural child-killers. Macduff, on the other hand is a son who has killed his mother (mothers invariably died after a ceasarian birth at that time).

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Macduff's family being murdered by Macbeth's orders causes many thanes to turn against Macbeth because it reveals his extreme cruelty and inhumanity. The act shows them that Macbeth is a ruthless tyrant who does not respect the traditional values of loyalty and honor that were important in their society. It also creates a sense of fear and insecurity among the thanes, leading them to question Macbeth's ability to rule justly.

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