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Q: What is it called When a line graphs data points do not fall along a straight line?
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A line graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight line is called a?

nonlinear graph.

What does a line graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight line mean?

There are several possible answers: The line is actually meant to be a curved line and not a straight line. The relationship between the two variables is not a linear function. Discovering this can be one of the main reasons for drawing the graph. The data points are empirical measurements (from an experiment, for example) and there are errors associated with the observations. The errors may be systematic or random. You have made mistakes - either in recording the data or in plotting them.

What are advantages and disadvantages of column chart and line graphs?

Colum charts and line graphs are both very handy but line charts can be made desceptive if scaling along the axis is done wrong, for example to let trendlines appear to show a much faster grow rate than it actually is. Histograms (column charts) are easy to see at once and to understand but they dont allow for performing regression or interpolation.

What is a linear relationship?

A linear relationship exists between two variables if, when you plot their values on a coordinate system, you get a straight line, or values that would "average out" to be a straight line. The line cannot be perfectly horizontal or vertical. There are many relationships among variables that give rise to curved plots as well. The variables in the following example are not independent of one another, but serve as an easy way to imagine the plots described above. The variables are age (our sample will be 1,000 children currently in school ages 7 to 14) and years of school completed. If we plot individuals by age along the X axis, and then go up and plot their completed years of school along the Y axis, we will have 1,000 points on the grid that will be reasonably close to a straight line. Eliminate children who have repeated a grade, and it surely will be very close to a straight line. The variables have a linear relationship.

In a line graph where is the dependant variable plotted?

The usual way is to plot the independent variable on the horizontal, and the dependent variable on the vertical. There are some where the dependent is on the horizontal, though. Supply-Demand and Price graphs in Economics comes to mind, as an example.