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Q: What is it called that changes a cause of response?
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This response is called, photoperiodism.

What is the variable called that changes in response to another variable?

The answer is a dependent variable. A variable that changes in response to another variable is called a dependent variable.

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This is a pH indicator.

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What is response stimuli?

this website does not answer any questions i have so do not use it ever again

What are the dependent variables in an experiment?

The factor that changes in response is called the dependent variable.

A variable of which a researcher is not aware but which might be causing changes in the response variable is called a variable?


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A force is an application of energy to cause a change in motion.

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Living things in nature dramatically respond to changes in their environment. This response to changes in its ecosystem is called accommodation.

When a liquid changes to to soil it is called?

then the liquid solidify 's (Cause it changes from a liquid state to a solid)

What is a responsive movement of a plant that is not dependent on the direction of the stimulus is called?

A responsive movement of a plant that is not dependent on the direction of the stimulus is called a non-directional or non-tropic movement. Examples of non-directional movements in plants include thigmonasty (response to touch), nastic movements (response to changes in environmental conditions), and nyctinasty (response to changes in light).